Monday, November 19, 2012

My Best Friend. My First Love.

I never knew it was possible to love anyone or anything this much. I am deeply heartbroken for my baby girl, but I am happy to say that I gave her the best life possible.

Coco and I first met online. It was basically love at first sight, so I gave her a call and agreed to go meet her out in Walla Walla, Washington. When I first saw her, I was a bit surprised to see that she definitely did not look like her online photos. I reluctantly decided to take her anyway because heck, I drove three hours to meet her, I might as well make the drive worth it. Little did I know, it was about to be the best $300 I was ever going to spend.

We fell in love the moment we got in the car. I remember on the car ride home I was holding her the whole time. When I had to put her down she started crying for me. I was so shocked that this little puppy that just left her family, would already in the three hours she sat on my lap get so attached to me. It was like she was made for me. We were made for each other. This picture is one of our first days together.

Coco followed me everywhere and anywhere I went. When I went to the bathroom, I would try to shut the door and she'd try to run as fast as she could to get in before the door closed. When she couldn't climb stairs yet, she would howl for me whenever I started going up or down stairs. She wanted to make sure I didn't leave her behind. I fell so in love with her because she loved and wanted me so much. Whenever I was invited to parties or some kind of house gathering my first response would almost always be "Can I bring Coco?" This is Coco at a Christmas party last year.

Coco partying on a boat.

I know it's not ideal to give dogs table scraps but Coco, with her little face owned me. She'd give me that look with her beady little eyes and demanded whatever I had on my plate. I always, always, always gave in to her demands. I spoiled her to BITS. My thought behind this was; she gets one life and dogs live very short lives, I might as well give her whatever she wanted. She was such a good and loyal dog too, so that helped a lot in spoiling her. Happy dog. Happy life. She was my chubby little watermelon. If you could say no to the face below, I'm going to go ahead and assume you have no heart, grinch!

 Coco at work with me.

 At work again.

 Whenever I couldn't find Coco in the office it'd be because she found a spot in someone else's office to sun bathe. 

 Coco Sleeping in Arlo's boppy. 

When I lost Coco and then found her on craigslist 8 hours later. I thought it was the worst 8 hours of my life...

I love photography. Coco was my #1 model. This is one of our last trips together. About a week ago I took a mini road trip - just her and I to a little beach past westport. Quality time.

 Sleeping baby...

I will miss mornings the most. Every morning she woke me up to give her belly rubs. This morning it hit me really hard when I realized she wouldn't be washing my face with her tiny little tongue. 

Coco was loved by everyone. She was always so chill and had such a great little personality. She even won over the hearts of many people who weren't very fond of dogs. I was so lucky to have her in my life. She truly taught me compassion and to love unconditionally. I can honestly say that I've never loved anyone or anything as much as I loved my little girl... She loved me unconditionally  no matter how mad I got at her or how loud I yelled at her she was always ready to give me a face full of her wet kisses. Life is going to be so different without her, but I am glad I got to experience something so wonderful. I've had dogs before but I've never been this obsessed. She truly was my first love.

I know they say to never spoil your kids but I am so happy I spoiled Coco as much as I did. She made me so happy and it was only right that I tried to do the same for her. I hope that one day, if you haven't yet, I hope you get to experience the love I had with her with a dog of your own. She stole my heart over and over again. I wish so badly that she was here with me tonight.

Mommy loves you my little Coco beans. I will never forget you. Thank you for being the best pup ever.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hello Kitty Diaper Cakes

I love love love making things for people rather than buying stuff. It so much more fun!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Kims Wedding Shower - Via Anroid

Bachelorette Aftermath

Wedding Shower Cake, thank you Tessa for helping me make this!

Kim and JJ opening presents at their Wedding shower.

Cake cutting


Keli's a boy.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wedding Season

Thee best season ever. Duh.

H and M dress

Golden Gardens with my girly girl

Via my android.

Nothing beats Seattle on a sunny day. ♥